Alan Johnson's Quiz

Big Mad Andy in Proud London


What a year it's been. 

As we approach the end of our second year filled with Big Mad antics, I thought it might be time to reflect on some of the highlights looking back. 

Firstly, we've gotta talk about ALAN effing JOHNSON (aka. Paterson Joseph) who came and hosted a one-off special quiz for 200 lucky fans in London's Proud Embankment

He came out of the kindness of his own heart in order to raise shed-loads of freakin' money for charity (he even got the tube home instead of taking the top of the range beamer we offered him.)  Patterson was, as expected, a total gent from start til finish; very happy to take endless selfies with adoring fans (in between asking questions) and joined in with the usual Peep Show-tinged high jinks as is customary for our nights. A personal highlight was the "tai-chi off" which Paterson/Alan judged according to crowd response and then joined in on a victory tai-chi with the winner. Should take 45 minutes, he was done in 10.

Speaking of being done in 10 - Peterson unfortunately had to leave early, luckily however,, our main man Liam Noble (aka Big Mad Andy) just happened to be re-fitting a door to the men's and agreed to step in at the last minute. From that point on (once we'd cleared up the multiple head explosion caused by sheer Peep Show fandom); the notorious impressions round came out, followed by a few more specialists topics designed to separate the Jez from the Marks. The winners took home a 32" plasma (hopefully it's being used as I type to look at some serious documents) and we had a good old sing-a-long to (amongst other things) Toto's Africa and Harvey Danger's Flagpole Sitta.


Great night, Sweet as.